Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Do you set writing deadlines?  This is one of the best ways to see progress.  It may sound simple but without deadlines our next great movie idea may well be on the screen before we ever get our version written.  --  We have all said, "I had an idea for a movie like that!"  The problem is that someone took the time and energy to write and market their script and now we are watching their movie and not ours.

Make deadlines, write them down and stick to them.  This is a good formula for writing success.


All online entries must be submitted by midnight (PST) September 1, 2012
All mailed entries must be postmarked by September 1, 2012

(Click above to enter)

Monday, August 13, 2012


What is my next story?  Whatever it is, make sure the driving force behind your writing is passion.  It has been said, "Write what you know."  Sure, good advice but that can be limiting for writers.  Write something that you are charged up about.  If you want to write about sky diving but never ever want to take the leap, don't necessarily give up on the idea.  There are many ways to gain knowledge about a topic.  If the passion is there so will the drive to find out everything about a given topic.  Read, talk to sky divers, seek out their passion for the sport.  In the end, you want to create a page turner with interesting, larger than life characters doing what they do within an amazing story.

Final Deadline for THE ONE IN TEN SCREENPLAY CONTEST is rapidly approaching.

(click above to enter)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

GAY SCREENPLAY CONTEST - What Ideas Are Selling?

If anyone could figure out the answer to this question at any given time they would be very rich.  The truth is that Hollywood knows exactly what they are looking for when they find it.  Sure, there are genres that some studios prefer over others but the scripts that sell are the ones that readers and producers just cannot put down... these are the page turners.  It could be a thriller, drama, comedy or another genre.  The main character could be gay, straight, bisexual, or any number of things.  What Hollywood is looking for is an amazing story with multidimensional characters that people can identify with and these characters are larger than life.  They are the types of people we aspire to be.

So, stop trying to figure out what Hollywood is buying and write the story you are most passionate about.

The entry deadline for the 2012 ONE IN TEN SCREENPLAY CONTEST is September 1, 2012.

(click above to enter)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2012 GAY SCREENPLAY CONTEST - Writing A Script in 30 Days

Do you think you could write a full length feature screenplay in 30 days or less?...  The answer we give will vary from person to person.  If our life depended on it, most all of us would deliver.  We would find a way.  What if we did write that script in a month and it sold for six figures?  Boy, would life change.  Anything we put our mind to, we can accomplish.  Every single accomplished screenwriter was unsold and unpublished before the first sale and something inside of them knew that their dream was possible.

Today is the 30 day deadline for the 2012 ONE IN TEN SCREENPLAY CONTEST.  Enter today, it just might change your life...

(Click above to enter)
The #1 rated GLBTQ screenplay contest in the world!
Celebrating 14 years!