Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2012 GAY SCREENPLAY CONTEST - Memorable Movie Lines

How many memorable movie lines can you remember from films that you have seen?...  One, two, three...

Strive to create unique and memorable dialog and know that it isn't easy.  Making a screenplay stand out requires the writer to rise above other story creators in every area not just a few and that includes dialog.

Make sure to give your characters their own voice and and dialog.  This is how to get noticed and win contests which can lead to a long time career in the movie business.

Entry Deadline for the 2012 ONE IN TEN SCREENPLAY CONTEST is September 1, 2012

(Click above to enter)

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Think your movie title isn't important?  Think again -- We are all familiar with the saying, "A picture paints a thousand words."  Well... that is what we are trying to do with our movie titles.  First impressions...  When creating your screenplay as a masterpiece, pay attention to every single detail and it all begins with title.  Paint the picture of your movie with your title.  Think of some of your favorite movies, STAR WARS, TITANIC, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, etc...  And yes, there are exceptions... Unless you are an "A" list screenwriter where you can break all of the unspoken rules because you are known, as an unknown or up and coming writer give the buyer what they want.  A simple, visual image of your movie and do that with the title.

The 2012 ONE IN TEN SCREENPLAY CONTEST entry deadline is September 1, 2012.

To enter, visit:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2012 GAY SCREENPLAY CONTEST - 14 Years Later

The ONE IN TEN SCREENPLAY CONTEST celebrates 14 years in 2012.  Over the years, thousands of GLBTQ themed screenplays have been submitted to the contest and Hollywood has taken notice.

Founding Director, David Jensen, "I am continually amazed at the caliber of writing that comes to us year after year.  Writers from around the globe have discovered our niche contest in the hopes that their unique voice finds an audience.  I am honored to be a part of this contest for so many years."

The deadline for submissions this year is September 1, 2012.  All online submissions must be submitted by midnight (EST) and all mailed entries must be post marked by September 1st.

For more information: www.OneInTenScreenplayContest.com